
Chinese the shoes big step "toward Central Asia, South Asia market

According to Kashi Customs statistics, in January of this year, 111, from southern Xinjiang spit Seoul Ga special, Irkeshtam, Karasu, red its just pull four ports were exported 199 million pairs of domestic imitation leather shoes valued at $ 1.53 billion, an increase of 130 % and 177%.Which, by turgart ports, the the Irkeshtam Port of Kyrgyz exports of 170 million pairs, the value of $ 1.317 billion, respectively, accounting for 88.6% of the total,MBT Shoes Sale 86.1%.The Karasu Port Tajik exports of 16.69 million pairs, the value of $ 133 million, accounting for 8.4% of the total, 8.7%.Made inexpensive imitation leather shoes popular in the Central Asian market.Footwear export volume accounted for 17.2% of the total import and export trade of the southern border.Chinese shoe exports to Central Asia, the South Asian countries has shown rapid growth good situation, and I made all kinds of shoes are very popular only in the markets of Central Asia and South Asia. It is understood that, I made all kinds of shoes sold only in South Asian countries, on the one hand, it is due, the South Asian countries of Light Industry underdevelopment, lack of production capacity of such products; other hand is developed China's footwear industry , yield large manufacturers to foreign markets consumer demand, timely adjustment of shoes only style, model, color, etc., such as 44, 45 yards footwear is relatively rare in the domestic market, the export products are more common.Furthermore, China's exports of footwear relative to similar foreign products, lower prices, quality ;, superior varieties of fancy, be able to meet a wide range of consumer needs in different populations. Exports of footwear consumption market radiating expanding.Exports of footwear in our neighboring Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan has a more stable consumer market.Some shoes only through Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and other countries reseller has to.Footwear market in South Asia, Pakistan, China's footwear is also a place such as this year, 111 to Pakistan's footwear exports reached 9.93 million pairs, worth $ 79,050,000, and a considerable portion of sales through Pakistan to Afghanistan.But now more opportunities in the last week, we are within a week to open 20 stores . 'He believes that the current the terminal single shop resources are limited, in terms of brand strength, we are at a low ebb when is the best time to seize the market. Resources reflux in the shop at the same time, the shoe terminal human resources gradually ample.Affected by the financial crisis, many companies implemented layoffs means, resulting in some of the people are unemployed, the same time, a large number of university graduates just out of college, but also because of the financial crisis to find work nowhere, gave the shoe terminal a large number of highly educated, highly qualified human resources. The financial crisis has accelerated the shoe industry reshuffle "since 2008, resulting in a move towards closure of some SMEs, but also brought a turning point to the good corporate brand operation.The terminal resources reflux is one of the most obvious and effective opportunity.2009 is a good time to buy the dips is also a good time to expand, ", Professor Li Guangdou says to.

