
 Christmas hoard goods France LV shop early one hour closing "

 Christmas hoard goods France LV shop early one hour closing "in the French travel friends inform, Vacheron Constantin all Paris stock counter directly Close, Cartier love series all out of stock ...... people in Europe, the purchasing power of true, Coach Factory Outlet strong!Classic LV series handbags will raise prices in the euro area by 9%, one of the aims is to narrow the difference between the Asian and European regions, we work too hard, oh. 'The magic shoes rizzer in the micro-Bo said.  Of the people, as long as there is a price difference never "You forward.This is an insiders emotion, expected early next year, the end of the year luxury prices slightly, but this is what cause illness it?  LV this do adjustments Champs Elysees flagship store closing time in advance from 20:00 to 19:00, Paris city shop closing time in advance from 19:00 to 18:00.This business hours will continue until the end of November.It is said that this is to prevent the facing out of stock for Christmas.In addition to this theCoach Madison Collection, outside, LV also adopt measures to limit shopping Quantity: Each customer can only buy a package and a small leather goods, or just buy two small leather goods.Of course, this is not to refuse the customer, but as much as possible in order to meet the customer wishes.  China to promote the luxury goods industry, a Ruder Finn recently released "2010 China Luxury Goods Report shows that in 2010 consumers considering the purchase of luxury brand ranking in the top fashion dominant, Louis Vuitton, Chanel , Gucci top three.These brands have appeared after the outbreak of the financial crisis, prices several times.The report that the visible, the prices did not affect the enthusiasm of the Chinese consumers. , "The euro zone is a huge market, but sales growth is now emerging luxury country of purchase, especially China, it pushes the entire luxury industry.This is why I'm on the exchange rate and the debt crisis is not worried about. 'Isabelle Ardon, luxury fund SG management company president, said.The industry believes that this optimism is to a large extent the strong purchasing power of the Chinese people, the state, compared with foreign prices reduce consumption, people chase the mentality of so many big brands of surprise and a little worried.

